Hello 👋🏼 I’m Jesse. I've been writing computer instructions since 1999.
This is my blog about:
- Social information platforms and the realities we construct with them
- Misinformation & disinformation online
- Politics & public policy
- Ethical product leadership for technologically-mediated reality construction
- The Means of Connectedness
- Technologically-mediated third spaces
Where else to find me:
💠BlueSky (@jesse.lawsonry.com)
💠Spotify (Galactic Shipping Company)
💠Hypertext (nullnotes.com)
💠TikTok (@dinnerpancakes)
To me, LAWSONRY is a venue for lenses through which to understand our collective experiences as the ever-nascent actors of the American zeitgeist.
Supporting This Space
This blog is a digital garden where ideas grow at their own pace. Your support helps maintain this space while respecting its organic nature.
- Best way: Subscribe to this blog
- Or, for one-time support, you can buy me some coffee or send a one-time tip.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me directly at: jesse@lawsonry.com